
Environmental procedures at Gearon Civil are managed through the GearSafe Managment System accredited to ISO14001:2015.
Site documentation that includes environmental considerations are: Induction, SWMS, Toolbox Meetings and Site Audits.
The GearSafe PSEQP (Project Safety Environment and Quality Plan) includes: Environment Policy and Environmental Pre Start Risk Assessment.

The Environmental Pre Start Risk Assessment includes:

  • Ensuring all permits are obtained, in particular in relation to any planned tree removal.
  • Erosion considerations including minimizing the areas disturbed and re-vegetating as soon as possible, providing cut off installations to redirect runoff from cleared areas, minimizing long continuous flow paths, installing silt traps at inlets and monitoring water entering waterways and drains.
  • Dust considerations including the watering of exposed soil/stockpile areas, limiting the access to and from the site to specified haul roads, stabilising/paving haul roads, strategically locating stockpiles, mulching/regressing stockpiled material.
  • Flora and fauna considerations including avoiding undue disturbance to sensitive areas and the protection of aquatic plants and animals.
  • Waste considerations including the minimization of waste on site, appropriate disposal of contaminated waste off site, the provision litter bins, etc.
  • Monitoring and testing considerations

We foster a culture of lasting relationships, social awareness and environmental sustainability.